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Your Solar vs Utility Power Bill

Will I get 2 Power Bills?

Yes. You will get a flat monthly Sunder bill that covers your solar power. In addition, you will receive a monthly utility power bill that will vary depending upon the time of year (long summer days vs. short winter days), amount of power you used (did solar cover it all?), your power company's connection fee, fluctuating charges/rate hikes and power company's credits you received that month.












Solar Reduces Edison's Impact on your Power Expense

Without solar, you are at the mercy of whatever Edison wants to charge you for 100% of your power. Solar minimizes Edison's impact on your power expense.

Edison's rates have spiked 72% in the last 4 years and there is a 22.6% increase scheduled for 2025. You've probably noticed the increases on your Edison bill. Unfortunately, there is a lot of on-going volatility with Edison.


How does Seasonality and Weather Impact Solar Production?

We get a lot of sunshine in California. The biggest impact on solar production is the length of the day. Summer's long days with lots of sunshine produce the most power. December and January have the shortest days. See how seasonality and weather impact solar. See more here. 


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  • Clarify the big changes in electricity and where it's going

  • Equip you to comfortably make an informed decision

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Jim Hughes

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© 2024 Jim Hughes

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