Battery Options
Sunder provides 2 battery options:
Tesla Powerwall 3 and Enphase IQ Battery 5P System
Tesla Powerwall 3 Smart Battery
Much more than just a battery, the Powerwall is a comprehensive HEMS (Home Energy Management System). It enables you to monitor your solar production, understand/adjust your home’s electricity flow and customize settings to suit your needs.
When the power company shuts off electricity, the Powerwall will keep your lights on.
Using the Powerwall App, you can see how much your:
Solar system is producing
House is consuming
Solar is charging the battery
Battery charge level
Power amount exported/imported to/from the power company
Powerwall App

Click on pdf for Spec Sheet
Enphase IQ Battery 5P System
The IQ Battery 5P all-in-one AC-coupled system is powerful, reliable,
simple, and safe. It has a total usable energy capacity of 5.0 kWh and
includes six embedded grid-forming microinverters with a continuous
power rating of up to 3.84 kVA. It provides backup capability, and installers
can quickly design the right system size to meet the customer needs.
Click on pdf for Spec Sheet

Enphase IQ 5 P
Useable Energy
Continuous Power Output
13.5 kwh
11.5 kwh
10 Years
24" w x 43.5" h x 7.6" d
5.0 kwh
3.84 kwh
15 Years
21.7" w x 38.6" h x 7.4" d